Reflektiere mit deinen Kindern die Predigt

Joe Holland, Vater von vier Jungs (es gibt also noch andere Väter mit vier Söhnen!) regt an, mit den Kindern die Predigt zu reflektieren. Ich mache das schon länger, doch nicht so strukturiert.

  1. Remember the outline.
  2. Know the one, main point.
  3. How is Jesus the hero?
  4. Engage your kids with open ended questions.
  5. Make sure the gospel is clear. Jesus died for sinners.
  6. Be the first to pray and confess.
  7. Chase rabbit trails. Your kids will lead you down them.  Go with them.  You’ll find out a ton about how they think.  And you may just enjoy the unexpected stroll off the beaten path.
  8. Remember the first two rules. After all this, it may be you feel like it was a complete waste of time.  It’s at that point you must remember the first two rules: They retain more than you think they do. They understand more than you think they do.

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