Ist etwas wahr, weil es bei mir funktioniert hat?

Genügt bei unseren säkularen Zeitgenossen das Argument der liebenden Gemeinschaft? Tim Keller meint: Ja, aber es muss auch das dahinter liegende Argument thematisiert und in Frage gestellt werden.

Many books on reaching post-moderns today give the impression that people now need virtually no arguments at all. The ‘apologetic’ is a loving community, or the embodiment of social concern. I couldn’t agree more that post-modern people come to Christ through process, through relationships, through mini-decisions, through ‘trying Christianity on’. …. But the books … seem to miss the fact that the extreme pragmatism of non-Christians today is part of a non-Christian world-view. Our post-enlightenment culture believes what has been called expressive individualism. That is – ‘it is true if it works for me’.

… At some point, the idea that ‘it is true if and only if it works for me’ must be challenged. We have to say: ‘Ultimately that is correct – in the very, very long run, obeying the truth will ‘work and bring you to glory and disobeying the truth will ‘not work’ and bring you to ruin. … There have been many times in New York City that I have seen people make professions of faith that seemed quite heart-felt, but when faced with serious consequences if they maintained their identification with Christ (e. g. missing the opportunity for a new sexual partner or some major professional setback) they bailed on their Christian commitment. The probable reason was that they had not undergone deeper ‘world-view change’.

Tim Keller. Deconstructing Defeater Beliefs. (Ein weiteres Paper von Keller, das ich einige Male gelesen habe.)