Warum blickst du auf diese Frau?

Unsere Gesellschaft ist geprägt von einer tiefen Sicht des Mannes. Seine Lust sei instinkthaft und nicht zu umgehen. Die biblische Ethik zeichnet ein ganz anderes Bild. Hier sind einige hilfreiche Hinweise zu finden.

1. Why are you looking at a woman?  There are many legitimate reasons to be looking at a woman: she is your co-worker, classmate, leader, or volunteer in a ministry you work with, etc.  But we men know there are less than honorable answers to this question as well. Be aware of your motives

2. Why are you looking a second time? When you see a woman, especially one to whom you are sexually attracted, what is your reason for looking again?  What is your intention and what do you hope to accomplish?

3. When you look at a woman, where does your gaze come to rest?  Do you look her in the eyes, or do you look at her disrespectfully when you think she doesn’t see you? For me, it is difficult to lust after a woman when I am looking her in the eyes.