Das Evangelium in einer Zeit, in der das Geschlecht gewählt wird

Stelle dir die Situation vor: Eine geschlechtsumgewandelte Person, ein Mann um die 50, kommt in deiner Gemeinde zum Glauben.  Wie geht die Gemeinde damit um?

Russell D. Moore hat ein mögliches biblisches Vorgehen hier beschrieben. Vorab: Das Evangelium verkünden und zur Busse rufen:

The first issue is the gospel. Christ Jesus came to save sinners. The Lord Jesus offered up his life as a sacrifice for this person, and his bloody cross and empty tomb are enough to reconcile any sinner, including this one, to God. … The second issue is repentance. Repentance is necessary for salvation, as is articulated in the gospel message throughout the Scripture.

Und wie sieht es mit der Geschlechtsumwandlung aus?

Additional surgery would only compound the problem. He should see himself as the equivalent of a biblical eunuch, someone wounded physically by his past sin, but awaiting wholeness in the resurrection from the dead. He should, though, stop taking the female hormones, allowing his body to revert to its (relatively) natural state. The issue for John is one of honesty: presenting himself as a man.