Aufsatz: Eine biblische Weltsicht für die Pädagogik zurückgewinnen

In der Aprilausgabe der Zeitschrift Evangelical Review of Theology plädiere ich dafür, die biblische Weltsicht für die Pädagogik zurückzugewinnen. Dabei gehe ich von vier Beispielen aus:

Let us imagine Christian parents accompanying their child while growing up. They have a vital interest in how they can develop his gifts to secure him a place within the professional world. Loyal caring Christian parents spend their energy and money for a proper education. On that way, they discover that they expose the child to very different influences. It comes in touch with different worldviews. The dogma of pluralism, according to which any religious belief and value terms have equal standing next to the other, stays at the forefront. The child met comrades from other religions such as Muslims, Jews and Buddhists. In our western countries, these are predominantly secular embossed children who set their own needs at the center of their life. God does probably exist, but he has nothing to do with their every-day life. How can parents guide their child in a critical discussion? What can they help to navigate in this diversity of beliefs?

Or take a young adult who has brought his compulsory school years behind. He entered the university, where he met with several inter-related competitive objectives: On the one hand, he is persuaded that he has to secure the best possible chance in professional life, definitely the highest possible income. Secondly, it is made clear to him by fellow students that the time has come in which enjoying life is a must-do. He is invited to indulge in a party lifestyle. This raises the question: What is a proper goal worth following?

Let us continue imaging a primary school teacher in front of a class of – let us say – 25 pupils. Concepts and methods are subject to constant change. He still feels that in the end teaching is a human encounter. How shall he deal with recent findings in brain research? How to respond to the child-oriented approaches in education? What helps him to start from a biblical image of man in his daily lessons?

Fourth, let us put ourselves in the position of a university lecturer of English literature. During his studies and his PhD, lecturers and fellow students consistently worked under the assumption of social constructivism. For discussion and interpretation of texts, this approach is applied through the band. They assume that all ratings are only socially constructed, defined and controlled by their own frame of reference. Which way should he take in the midst of this relativistic environment?

Proposal for a Theological Prolegomena of Education: Lessons from Herman Bavinck’s Legacy. Theological Review of Theology. Vol. 39. No. 2. April 2015.