Die biblische Heilsgeschichte ist seit dem Leben und der Auferstehung von Jesus von der Spannung zwischen “jetzt schon” und “noch nicht” bestimmt. John Frame schreibt über diese Spannung mit Verweis auf den Theologen Oscar Cullmann:
In his atonement Jesus destroyed the power of sin, yet sin will cling to us until his return. He has destroyed Satan in principle, but this victory will not be consummated until the Lord’s return. Oscar Cullmann compares this to the distinction between D-day and V-day in World War II. On D-day Allied troops entered France, in principle dooming the Third Reich. But it took many months of bitter fighting before the Nazis surrendered on V-day, victory day. The cross was like D-day, and Jesus’ return will be like V-day. We live between the times, always in the tension of the already but not yet; and during that time there are many battles to be fought.
Hier geht es zum Zitat. Das aussagekräftige Bild stammt aus Oscar Cullmann. Christus und die Zeit. Zürich 1962 (3. Auflage). S. 86.