Heiraten – warum?

Wie aus meinen Posts unschwer zu erkennen ist, lese ich zur Zeit viel Material von John Piper. Seine Botschaften sind relevant, glaubwürdig und lebensverändernd. Der hagere Mann Mitte 60 lebt, was er sagt. Gestern abend hörte ich mir die Predigt “Marriage Is Meant for Making Children … Disciples of Jesus” an.

  • Was ist die Absicht Gottes mit der Ehe? “Marriage was designed by God most deeply, most importantly, to be a parable or a drama of the way Christ loves his church and the way the church loves and follows to Christ.”
  • Was ist das Ziel von Nachwuchs? “This purpose of marriage is not merely to add more bodies to the planet. The point is to increase the number of followers of Jesus on the planet.”
  • Und wenn du keine Kinder hast? “Jesus shifts the absolute from having children biologically to having hundreds of children through the family of Christ and through spiritual influence.”
  • Und was bedeutet Elternschaft? “The most fundamental task of a mother and father is to show God to the children. Children know their parents before they know God.”