Ich bin ständig mit Ideen unterwegs, mit einem Berg von unerledigten Aufgaben und unter anhaltender Spannung zwischen meinen verschiedenen Rollen. Da ist es gut zu hören:
When one becomes too driven in the area of primary duty, all other areas of life will suffer: family, friends, church involvement, evangelism, and more. It is wise to rest and to pace oneself. Furthermore, it is humble to do so. Though it may not seem to be motivated by pride, overworking sometimes reveals a desire to control the world such that one cannot be happy unless all is in immediate order. Though it seems strange in a very busy age resing can often glorify the Lord since it expresses humility and a recognition of God’s sovereignty.
Aus: Owen Strachan. Doug Sweeney. The Essential Edwards Collection. Vol. 1. Moody Publishers: Chicago 2010.