Das Problem Fernsehens hat weniger mit den Inhalten als vielmehr mit unserem Herzen zu tun:
To me, the problem with our television viewing, like our movie viewing, has less to do with content than it does with our hearts. In our tribe of evangelicals, the conversations tend to focus on lust and sexuality. But there’s far more than sex happening in our hearts when we watch TV and movies.
Wir brauchen TV als Projektionsfläche unserer Selbstgerechtigkeit: Wir lieben es, auf die bösen Typen herunterblicken zu können!
Now why would casting directors consistently put people on TV for us to hate? You’d think our tendency would be to change the channel when they were on TV. On the contrary, we love the villains. We love to hate them. Having a villain, an enemy, a monster to watch puts us as the viewer on the judgment seat. We’re empowered to stare down our noses at these villains, and the contempt feels great.
Why do we watch them? Why do we have “big appetites” for contempt? Because it fans the flames of our self-righteousness.
Filme rühren uns zu Tränen, weil sie unsere eigenen Wünsche applizieren: "Du hast es geschafft … und hoffentlich schaffe ich es auch".
Well done, good and faithful servant. Here is your reward: dreamy bedrooms, big-screen TVs, privacy fencing, and wireless internet. We watch. We weep. And we hope for ourselves. It’s yet another gospel alternative, this one packaged as a heart-warming vision of the way life is “supposed to be.”
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