Home Education – d. h. Familien, die das Bildungsmanagement ihrer Kinder selber an die Hand nehmen – erregt immer wieder Aufmerksamkeit in den Medien. Kürzlich habe ich eine Diskussion um die “Sozialisierung” dieser Kinder mitverfolgt. Wer sich die verschiedenen Argumente vor Augen führen will, dem sei Artikel samt Kommentaren empfohlen. Ein paar Ausschnitte:
Funny, but of all the reasons we have chosen homeschooling, “socialization” rises to the top of the list for me. That is, we homeschool not in spite of “socialization” concerns, but in part because of them. Kids in the Christian homeschool co-op to which we belong are not little angels — there is no such place as utopia — but there is a shared set of morals and ethics among the parents, and that creates a healthy social order among the kids. My children are being socialized according to virtues that are much more difficult to find sustained in public schools — not because public schools are bad per se, but because they cannot help but reflect the values of the public.
One of the dangers of public school is that you are sending your children to learn to be “social” from a bunch of immature children (aka teenagers). Do you want your children to learn how to be a man from the teenager in his algebra class that sleeps all day, comes to school high, and has a child out of wedlock before he graduates?
My memories of school are not entirely filled with things learned in the classroom, but games played in the field. I think that it is simply natural for those ignorant of homeschooling to ask these questions. How else will we learn?
If one insists on correlating schooling with socialization, I’d guess the homeschoolers have a better ratio of well to poorly socialized.
It has nothing to do with schooling but the childs personality.
In den USA stellen die Homeschooler eine wachsende Gruppe dar (ca. 3 % der Kinder im “Schul-Alter”). Unternehmer und Universitäten nehmen sie gerne:
I’ve had the privilege of teaching home-schooled kids at the Univ of Dallas for the last four years. Give me a classroom full of students who ask intelligent questions; challenge me, the texts, and one another; do the homework; and excel on exams any day! Of course, even U.D.’s non-homeschooled students are excellent.
When I’m looking through a stack of applications for a part-time job, I always put the home-schooled teens in the short list pile.
T. J. Danke für den Hinweis!