Die Bibel “theologisch” lesen

Justin Taylor hat auf eine hilfreiche Anleitung fürs Bibellesen – der ESV-Bibel entnommen –  hingewiesen.

Reading Scripture theologically starts from …

  1. that the Bible is a God-given guide
  2. to sinners for their salvation, and for the life of grateful godliness to which salvation calls them;
  3. that the Bible is equally the church’s handbook for worship and service; that it is a divinely inspired unity of narrative and as­sociated admonition, a kind of running commentary on the progress of God’s kingdom plan up to the establish­ing of a world-embracing, witnessing, suffering church in the decades following Christ’s ascension and the Pentecost outpouring of the Spirit; and
  4. that the incarnate Son of God himself, Jesus the Christ, crucified, risen, glorified, ministering, and coming again, is the Bible’s central focus, while the activities of God’s covenant people both before and after Christ’s appearing make up its ongoing story.

Theology is for doxology, that is, glorifying God by praise and thanks, by obedient holiness, and by laboring to extend God’s kingdom, church, and cultural influence.

3 Schlüsselfragen beim Lesen

  1. What is shown about God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
  2. What is shown about the bewildering, benighted world with all its beautiful and beneficial aspects alongside those that are corrupt and cor­rupting?
  3. What is shown to guide one’s living, this day and every day?