Frage eine junge Frau, was Weiblichkeit für sie bedeutet. Und du erhältst ein verwirrtes Lächeln zurück.
Ask any girl on the street what womanhood is about, and you’ll get a blank stare in return. No one knows. Young women are devoid of vision beyond popularity, material wealth, a cute boyfriend or a dream career. Even in Christian circles, significant questions are often left unanswered: What’s the point of purity? Modesty? Femininity? What’s biblical womanhood? Most of all, girls wonder at the longing in their souls for something greater.
Hannah Farver, eine junge Erwachsene, hat eben ein Buch vorgelegt – ich habe es sogleich (als Kindle-Version) bestellt. Die Gebrüder Harris, die sie persönlich kennen, beschreiben die junge Autorin als herausfordernd in Wort und Taten:
Hannah Farver is the real deal, a young woman of conviction, compassion, and courage. Through her words and her example she is provoking young women to raise their sights and fix their gaze on the only Cause and the only Love worth pursuing. She is a fresh and compelling voice straight from the ranks of her peers. Her passion for God and for her generation flows through every chapter and bleeds through every page.
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