Erwachsene kanadische Homeschooler wurden 15 Jahre nach ihrer ersten Befragung 1994 erneut interviewt. Die Studie brachte Folgendes zu Tage:
Homeschooled adults who participated in this study were more likely than the comparable Canadian population to have completed an undergraduate degree, to be civically engaged, to value their religious beliefs, to have multiple income sources, to report income from self-employment, and to report high satisfaction with life. They were found to be physically active, to have higher average incomes than their peers, and were notably more engaged than the comparable population in a wide variety of cultural and leisure activities.
Als Vorteile ihres Unterrichts beschreiben sie:
The respondents described the most positive aspects about being homeschooled as rich relationships, opportunity for enrichment, schedule flexibility, individualization of pace and programs, development of their independence, and the superior education received.
Und die Nachteile?
The negative aspects identified by some respondents included the social prejudice and, for a number of respondents, social challenges, some curricular limitations, some later difficulty adapting to classroom settings, and some wondered about possible strains on their family.