Bavinck warnt davor, die Allgemeine Offenbarung in seiner Schöpfung zugunsten seiner Speziellen Offenbarung in der Schrift zu vernachlässigen. Die Folge davon ist ein ungesunder Dualismus, der den Glauben von der täglichen Existenz trennt. Der christliche Glaube wird Gottes Schöpfung entfremdet:
Without general revelation, special revelation loses its connectedness with the whole cosmic existence and life. The link that unites the kingdom of nature and the kingdom of heaven then disappears. Those who, along with critical philosophy, deny general revelation exert themselves in vain when via the way of practical reason or of the imagination they try to recover what they have lost. They have then lost a support for their faith. In that case the religious life exists in detachment from and alongside of ordinary human existence. The image of God then becomes a “superadded gift” (donum superadditum). As in the case of the Socinians, religion becomes alien to human nature. Christianity becomes a sectarian phenomenon and is robbed of its catholicity. In a word, grace is then opposed to nature. In that case it is consistent, along with the ethical moderns, to assume a radical break between the power of the good and the power of nature. Ethos and φυσις are then totally separated. The world of reality and the world of values have nothing to do with each other. In that scenario we at bottom face a revival of Parsism or Manichaeism.
Bavinck, Herman; Bolt, John; Vriend, John: Reformed Dogmatics, Volume 1: Prolegomena. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2003, S. 322.