- The purpose of education is not to enable the student to earn a good income.
- The purpose of education is not to preserve our American system of government and political freedom.
- The purpose of education is not world unification.
- The purpose of education is not to teach young people a trade.
- The purpose of education is not to encouragethe neverending search for truth.
- The purpose of education is not to put the student in harmony with the cosmos.
- The purpose of education is not to raise the consciousness of students and traint them for world revolution.
- The purpose of education is not to prepare students for productive careers.
- The purpose of education is not to integrate the races.
- The purpose of education is not the social adjustment of the child.
- The purpose of education is not to stay ahead of the Russians (or the Japanese) in technology.
- The purpose of education is not to create good citizens.
No, the purpose of education is far different, far more noble than any of these things. The purpose of edcuation is to make Chrsitian men, men transformed by the renewing of their minds after the image of Him who created them.
Gordon H. Clark. A Christian Philosophy of Education. The Trinity Foundation: Jefferson 1988. (viii)