Eine Richtung der Pädagogik betont stark die Methodologie (das “wie”) anstelle des Sinns („warum“). In meinem beruflichen Feld der Erwachsenenbildung treffe ich dies häufig als gelebten Wert an. Das „wie“ (Umsetzung, Vorgehen) ist geklärt, während das „warum“ diffus bleibt.
Rushdoony bemerkt treffend:
The emphasis on scientific methodology, on method rather than meaning, has inevitable cultural repercussions. Methodology is economical. The shortest distance between two points is, so to speak, its constant goal. Moreover, methodology is functional. It calls for the elimination of what appears to be unessential and of duplications. Hence, a scientific sociology leads to centralization: family, township, county, state and even nation are costly and uneconomical duplications. Hence, man’s true home and family is the world state. Furthermore, individual and cultural differences among men are deemed to be unessential to the essential mathematical equality often seen as similarly constructed biological entities. Hence equality, a purely mathematical term in essence, is appled to men, and, if it is challenged, it is again in the name of mathematics, i. e., in terms of inequality, as though man were a fragment of an equation.
Vgl. Rousas J. Rushdoony, The Messianic Character of American Education, Ross House: Vallecito 1995. (310-311)