Auf englisch gibt es mittlerweile eine stattliche Anzahl Darstellungen “Four views on…”. Sie helfen, verschiedene, historisch gewachsene Positionen zu theologischen Themen zu reflektieren. Ich habe kürzlich eine Rezension zum neu erschienenen Titel “Four Views on the Spectrum of Evangelicalism” gelesen. Wie dem Rezensenten bereitet mir die von Olson unter dem Konzept “Postconservatism” vorgestellte Denkweise Sorgen:
(E)vangelicalism is not an organization, he protests. Consequently, it is “simply impossible to say with certainty who is and who is not an evangelical.” Nonetheless, there still is a center, for evangelicals do have “common commitments.” Olson is satisfied with Bebbington’s categories: conversionism, biblicism, crucicentrism, and activism. Doesn’t this assume, however, doctrinal boundaries? “Not at all,” Olson says. Take conversionism, for example. It is not a doctrinal boundary but a “hallmark” that “forms part of the gravitational center of evangelicalism.” Consequently, “It is not always possible to tell with absolute assurance who is ‘in’ and who is ‘out’ of the evangelical camp; some people are nearer the center than others, and some people are far away but moving steadily toward it.”