Eine christliche Ethik des Protests

Thomas K. Johnson, mein Doktor-Vater, hat zum Auftakt des neuen Jahres eine Predigt zum Thema "Eine christliche Ethik des Protests" gehalten. Seine vier Thesen:

  1. The Christian can take the social criticism of a particular society of the protester and go deeper, to articulate God’s criticism of fallen human nature on the basis of God’s law, revealed both in creation and in the Bible. The flaws in society are the result of sin, including repressing our knowledge of God, which deserves God’s wrath.
  2. The Christian can take the hope proclaimed by the protester and dissident and go much deeper to proclaim our ultimate political hope for a new heaven and a new earth.
  3. The Christian can describe the Church as the real alternate, dissident community that points to our eternal hope.
  4. Like every dissident community, we want to make massive contributions to our entire society while we also preach the gospel to all.