Justin Taylor führt in der Einleitung des Buches “Beyond the Bounds” fünf wichtige Argumente für eine Kontroverse an:
- Controversy is required when essential truths are called into question.
- Truth and love are necessary companions in doctrinal disputes. There is no biblical or logical contradiction between controversy and compassion, contention and contrition, criticism and Christlikeness.
- We must distinguish between a tolerant spirit toward persons that manifests itself in love, and a tolerant mind toward ideas that is never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.
- We must love and pray for the good of those whom we critique.
- Finally, we must commune with God in the doctrines for which we contend.
Meine Generation hat die Kunst des Debattierens und der Kontroverse nie gelernt. Wer einen Standpunkt in Frage stellt, greift die Person an. Selbst wenn es um essentielle Fragen geht, wird erwartet: Sei still (= tolerant). Ich würde mich gerne mehr streiten.