Römer 3,21-26 gehört zu den wichtigsten (und aktuell umstrittenen) Abschnitten der Bibel, welche die Gute Botschaft in verdichteter Form zusammenbringen. D. A. Carson hat in diesem Aufsatz “ATONEMENT IN ROMANS 3:21-26: God Presented Him as a Propitiation” eine saubere Auslegung vorgelegt. Neben dem Inhalt ein Musterbeispiel für eine gute Exegese.
Paul has established that all are condemned, Jew and Gentile alike, apart from the cross of Christ; all stand under his judicial condemnation and face his wrath. But now, he says, a new righteousness has appeared in the history of redemption to deal with this. … He now turns to the source of this righteousness from God. It is nothing other than the gracious provision of Jesus Christ as the propitiatory sacrifice for our sin.
Corresponding to the universal situation of guilt, bondage to sin, and condemnation under the wrath of God is a gospel of the righteousness of God, which is available universally to faith and which through Christ’s death offers a free and undeserved pardon, liberates into a new life where the tyranny of sin is broken and righteous behavior becomes possible, and provides satisfaction of God’s righteous wrath. (zit. Lincoln, “From Wrath to Justification”)
An der TGC-Konferenz 2010 hat D. A. Carson zudem über den Abschnitt gepredigt. Hier geht es zum Video.