Ich bin immer wieder dankbar um gutes “Handwerkszeug” in der Beratung (auch wenn ich mir bewusst bin, dass Person und Beziehung den wesentlichen Teil ausmachen). Ein sehr hilfreiches Instrument für die Seelsorge mit Kindern ist das “Relational Assessment”. In einem Gespräch kann so das Beziehungsgeflecht einer Person dargestellt werden. Ich bin gespannt darauf, dieses Instrument auch bei Erwachsenen einzusetzen. Vorgestellt wird das Tool im The Journal of Biblical Counseling 1/2012.
- How much or how little support is available in this child’s life? Are there many names, only a few, or none?
- Who does the child talk to or go to for help?
- Are family members shown? How are they perceived?
- Does the child have many friends?
- Are there many difficult relationships?
- One particular difficult relationship? What makes these difficult?
- Does the child feel enjoyed and loved by anyone?
- Does the child spend a great amount of time with the people identified as easy to get along with? Or is much time spent with people the child does not enjoy?
- Is God in the sphere of relationships? How does the child see God? Jesus? What is the quality of the relationship?