Wir benötigen dringend die erneuernde Kraft des Evangeliums in unseren Ehen und Familien. Daniel Akins Paper “Biblical Marriage In A Broken World: A Biblical and Practical Theology of a Redeemed Relationship” kann hier herunter geladen warden.
Besonders betroffen gemacht hat mich die Beschreibung von fünf Qualitäten männlicher Liebe zu seiner Frau anhand von Epheser 5.
- His love should be sacrificial (v. 25). This is not an “I love you if…” or an “I love you because…” No, this is an “I love you anyway. I love you even when you may not be lovely.”
- His love should be sanctifying (vs. 26-27). The husband is her helper in the process of sanctification and her being conformed to the image and likeness of her Savior.
- His love should be sensitive (5:28). He needs to develop what I call a “marital radar system” that picks up signals that come from his wife.
- His love should be satisfying (5:29-30). His love strengthens and sustains her.
- His love should be specific (5:31-33). Jesus calls him to love his wife in such a way that she knows, the children know, friends know, and even enemies know this man is in love with and devoted to only one woman, and that woman is his wife.