In einem Outline zur Systematischen Theologie definiert Greg Bahnen die Kenntnis von Gott wie folgt:
To know God is to have a covenantal response to Him in all areas of life.
All men have a general knowledge of God
All men are in a covenantal response
Obedience: covenantal response bringing blessing
Disobedience: covenantal response bringing cursing
Special: Covenant relationship established by grace where, by His word and Spirit His people are able to please Him.
Biblical examples:
Exodus 14:4, 8 – God’s judgment causes Egyptians to “know” the Lord (General)
Exodus 33:13 – Moses prays to “know” the Lord (Special)
Isaiah 19:20-22 –Egypt“knows” the Lord because of the Savior (Special)
Hier geht es zum interessanten Syllabus.