Michael Horton fasst den ersten Teil seiner Systematischen Theologie “Knowing God” so zusammen:
We may summarize the first part of this volume as an exposition of the principal elements of a covenantal task. First, this task presupposes that God is qualitatively distinct from the creature. Therefore, creaturely knowledge will always be revealed, dependent, accomodated, ectypal, and analogical rather than coniciding with God’s arechtypal knowledge at any point.
Second, this task presupposes that God’s revelation comes to us from outside of ourselves. Even the law, which is universally declared to the human conscience ever since creation, becomes a personal summons to judgement in our encounter with God in his self-revelation. The gospel is not buried deep within us but is known only in special revelation.
Third, every covenant has its canon – the historical prologue, stipulations, and sanctions that constitute and develop a norm for God’s people. The new covenant canon, therefore, constitutes and regulates the faith and practice of the covenant community, rather than being generated by it.
Michael Horton. Systematic Theology. Zondervan: Grand Rapids 2011. (210)