Nicolas Wolterstorff, wichtiger Vertreter der angelsächsischen reformierten Religionsphilosophie, zum Verhältnis zwischen Glaube und Vernunft:
- Belief in God can be justified immediately rather than mediately through reasons or evidence.
- Divine revelation is not externally authenticated – it is self-authenticating.
- Sin not only affects our wills – it has noetic effects also.
- A competent specimen of science may well not be neutral with respect to the Christian faith and that, in the event of conflict, the science should be re-done rather than that the faith should be given up.
- A Christian’s engagement in scientific activity should be directed in appropriate ways by his faith.
Aus: Nicolas Wolterstorff, ‘Introduction’ in ‘Rationality in the Calvinian Tradition’, in: John Shortt. TOWARDS AREFORMED EPISTEMOLOGY AND ITS EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE.