Andy Naselli ist seit Jahren Blog-Abonnent von Doug Wilson. Er und seine Frau haben einige seiner Bücher gelesen. Ich pflichte ihrer Einschätzung bei:
We agree with each other that reading Wilson often evokes one of three responses:
- We strongly agree. Pithy, insightful.
- We strongly agree while recognizing that an improved tone could win others over. (Think Tim Keller.)
- We strongly disagree while being put off by the tone. For example, last week he called the NIV a “gender bender” translation, asking, “Who wants a Bible translation with hormone shots and breast implants?”
So I can’t endorse his books on the family without that significant caveat. That said, however, he’s worth reading, and he’s fun to read. He says a lot of helpful things, and he rarely says anything in an uninteresting way—even if you disagree with him as I do, for example, that we should treat proverbs like promises or that public schools are not an option for Christians.