Was ist das Ziel christlicher Bildung?
The Christian gains his fullest satisfaction and attains his fullest realization by yielding himself wholeheartedly to the fulfillment of God’s purposes for him. The function of Christian education is to enable the learner to know more adequately God Himself, God’s purposes for man, the learner’s own capacities and limitations, and the means by which these capacities may be utilized most fully toward the implementation of God’s plan and for the glorification of His name.
Welche Aufgaben leiten sich daraus ab?
First, it must develop and bring to maturity the powers, skills, attitudes, and capacities of growing and maturing personalities. Second, it must seek to re-organize, re-integrate, and re-energize or re-direct the warped personality.
Die notwendige Voraussetzung für die Reorganisation ist die Wiedergeburt des Lernenden:
Before unification can be effected, the image of God must be restored, through redemption in Christ. Only then can the conflicts and confusions of the learner be resolved.
Bildung muss vom Bundescharakter der Beziehungen ausgehen. Das Kind soll durch das neue Leben zum Gehorsam gegenüber Gott angeleitet werden:
Education is Christian when it leads youth to accept the life of “new obedience.”
Aus: John De Beer and Cornelius Jaarsma. Toward a Philosophy of Christian Education.