Wie argumentieren Verfechter der theistischen Evolution? Kevin DeYoung:
According to some proponents of theistic evolution Genesis 2:7 is a reference to God’s work in history whereby he made Adam into a spiritual being in the image of God, instead of the lesser sort of being he was before. This approach still insists on the historicity of Adam and Eve and their real fall in the Garden. But, on this view, Adam may not have been the first human.
Ist diese Position kompatibel mit Sicht einer komplett zuverlässigen Bibel? Wayne Grudem stellt die exegetischen Argumente zusammen:
(1) Adam and Eve were not the first human beings, but they were just two Neolithic farmers among about ten million other human beings on earth at that time, and God just chose to reveal himself to them in a personal way.
(2) Those other human beings had already been seeking to worship and serve God or gods in their own ways.
(3) Adam was not specially formed by God of ‘dust from the ground’ (Gen. 2:7) but had two human parents.
(4) Eve was not directly made by God of a ‘rib that the Lord God had taken from the man’ (Gen. 2:22), but she also had two human parents.
(5) Many human beings both then and now are not descended from Adam and Eve.
(6) Adam and Eve’s sin was not the first sin.
(7) Human physical death had occurred for thousands of years before Adam and Eve’s sin–it was part of the way living things had always existed.
(8) God did not impose any alteration in the natural world when he cursed the ground because of Adam’s sin.