Im zweiten Teil des auszugsweise vor-veröffentlichten Manuskripts “THE FIRST STEP IN MISSIONS TRAINING: WRESTLING WITH GOD’S GENERAL REVELATION” geht es um die Frage nach dem Zustand des Menschen. Thomas K. Johnson beschreibt sie wie folgt:
All of human life outside of the gospel is filled with the terrible contradiction of both knowing and not knowing God at the same time.
Sämtliche Aussagen der Menschen über Gott resultieren aus diesem Konflikt heraus:
Everything that people say, think, and feel about God, morality, and other important topics arises out of their deep, primordial conflict with God. All that people do in all the areas of life and culture is involved in this wrestling match of the ages. Even the common claim of religious “neutrality” that one can talk about God in the same way one talks about minor everyday matters, is itself a product the human conflict with God, really an attempt to hide from God.
Gott spricht fortdauernd zum Menschen:
God effectively and sufficiently revealed himself through his initial work of creation at the beginning of time, and God is also actively continuing to speak through his creation to humankind throughout all of history.
Wie Gott sich den Menschen offenbart und in welchen Konflikt diese durch diese Ansprache geraten, kann hier nachgelesen werden.