Die Frau des 1984 verstorbenen “Evangelisten der Intellektuellen”, Francis Schaeffer, ist 98-jährig von ihrem Herrn abberufen worden. Tim Challies lässt seine Mutter, die 1982 in L’abri war, zu Wort kommen:
Within the next few years I read most of her books and grew to love her more and more. She taught me about the beauty of home and family. She modeled the wonderful and powerful virtues of Christian hospitality. And she was a good theologian in her own right.
I think her “Bird’s Eye View of the Bible” is unequalled in its concise and user-friendly presentation of biblical theology. Her longer version of the same, Christianity is Jewish, is one of the most helpful books i have ever read. In other words, she and her husband presented the gospel by starting at the beginning of God’s truth—in Genesis—and following the story through to its end (and new beginning) in Revelation. I am convinced that, along with their own winsomeness, that is the reason so many people were converted under their ministry. Did they seek to take captive and destroy worldly intellectual strongholds? Yes, certainly. But always in order to make way for that beautiful gospel she—they—then presented so magnificently and simply.
Edith Schaeffer hat rund 20 Bücher geschrieben oder mitverfasst, u. a die Autobiografie L’abri, ein Buch über Leid “Nie tiefer als in Gottes Hand”, “Der Erste und der Letzte – Heilsgeschichte aus der Vogelperspektive” oder wertvolle Bücher über die Familie wie “Mit Phantasie und Liebe” oder “Lebensraum Familie”. Es sind alles Übersetzungen, die antiquarisch erhältlich sind.