Trost in dunklen Tagen

In den letzten Tagen ist die Meldung vom tragischen Tod von Rick Warrens Sohn um die Welt gegangen. Viele haben darüber geschrieben. Hier sind einige profunde Aussagen des Trauernden (via Twitter):

  • I don’t want to go back to how things were. I want to be a better man, more in-tune with Jesus, more compassionate of others.
  • If you expect anyone to meet an emotional need only God can meet, you set them up for failure and yourself up for disappointment.
  • „In our hearts we felt the sentence of death, but this happened so we might not rely on ourselves but on God.“ 2Cor 1:9
  • „I want is know Christ, experience the power of his resurrection, share his sufferings and become like him in his death.“ Phil 3:10
  • I only hire staff who’ve been hurt deeply. People who have never suffered tend to be shallow and smug about other’s pain.
  • The more you trust God, the more you realize how trustworthy he is.
  • The real problem with your problem is you don’t immediately ask God for wisdom and help. See James 1:2-8
  • Every time my heart shatters I take the pieces to Jesus for repair.
  • „I would have despired unless I had bevlievd that I’d see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Ps 27:13
  • Grieving is hard. Grieving as public figures, harder. Grieving while haters celebrate your pain, hardest.