Da frisst sich ein Tornado eine Schneise durch eine Stadt und tötet 20 Kinder. Ein Mann taucht aus den Trümmern auf und bemerkt: “Der Herr hat gegeben, der Herr hat genommen.” (Info via Twitter, Denny Burk). Für andere ist es ein Anlass, einmal mehr zu fragen: Wo warst du, Gott?
Sam Storms listet in seinem lesenwerten Beitrag “Tornadoes, Tsunamis, and the Mystery of Suffering and Sovereignty” sieben Beobachtungen auf:
(1) It will not accomplish anything good to deny what Scripture so clearly asserts, that God is absolutely sovereign over all of nature.
(2) God is sovereign, not Satan.
(3) Great natural disasters such as this tell us nothing about the comparative sinfulness of those who are its victims.
(4) Events such as this should remind us that no place on earth is safe and that we will all one day die (unless Jesus returns first).
(5) We should not look upon such events and conclude that the Second Coming of Christ and the end of history are at hand, but neither should we conclude that the Second Coming of Christ and the end of history are not at hand.
(6) We must learn to weep with those who weep.
(7) Pray that God will use such an event to open the hearts and eyes of a city and a state immersed in unbelief and idolatry