Reicht unser (physisches) Machwerk bis in die zukünftige Welt hinein?

Rachel Held Evans hat in ihrer Kolumne “Ask…” 300 Fragen an N. T. Wright gesammelt. Eine Frage, die ihm präsentiert wurde, fand ich nicht nur gut formuliert, sondern auch zentral. Sie betrifft die hinter dem “Transformatorischen Christentum” liegende Eschatologie:

You have argued, particularly in Surprised by Hope, that the bodily resurrection and the physical nature of the coming consummation of the Kingdom opens up to us a legitimate basis for physical action in the world: the things we do in the body and on this planet for good, matter. How exactly do these things ‘last’ into the eschaton? How seamless is the relationship between the now and the not-yet? What seems especially tricky to me here is doing things that have implications outside of the Church. Do the parts of the physical world we preserve through our ecological work literally remain into the eschaton? What about securing justice for non-believers who will ultimately, we would posit, be judged eternally? Most fundamentally: how exactly do your eschatological views, particularly in teasing out these details, provide a well-supported basis for a Christian social ethic?

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