Gemäss Entscheidung des obersten Gerichtshofs gibt es nicht länger ein landesweites Gesetz, das die Ehe als Einheit zwischen Mann und Frau definiert.
Albert Mohler schreibt in der Baptist Press:
It is virtually impossible to exaggerate the future impact of the DOMA decision, but it is not yet a new Roe v. Wade. Instead, it sets up a future legal challenge from any citizen in any state that does not have legal same-sex marriage. The court’s decision in that future case, surely not long in our future, will be the new Roe v. Wade — a sweeping decision that would create a new “right” that would mean the coast-to-coast legalization of same-sex marriage.
Das wichtigste theologische Argument ist dies (Albert Mohler via Twitter):
Marriage is a pre-political institution defined by our Creator—for His glory & for human flourishing.
Hier sind verschiedene Voten von christlichen Leitern zu lesen, z. B. Russell Moore:
This isn’t a matter of mere procedure federalism. The opinion grounds the unconstitutionality of DOMA in far-reaching categories of equal protection and human dignity. This moment offers opportunity for the church though. The gospel doesn’t need family values to flourish. The gospel advances best when it is in clear contrast to the culture around it. We may be in a time machine back to the Book of Acts culturally. Let’s be ready to get back to the Book of Acts spiritually too.
Wie ragierten Vertreter verschiedener Konfessionen? Hier geht es zu einer Zusammenstellung von Tweets.
Vielleicht kann man die „Bottom-Line“ mit diesen Statements zusammenfassen:
Rachel Held Evans (Position 1):
I hope the media will show a diversity of reactions among Christians, not just negative reactions.
It pains me to see some religious leaders react so negatively to the news that their neighbors will be treated equally under the law…
Denny Burk (Position 2):
Christians follow Jesus and his definition of marriage. If you are a Christian, you ought to as well. -Matt. 19:4-5