David vanDrunen stellt in seinem Buch “Living in God’s Two Kingdoms” die beiden Bündnisse mit Noah (Gen 8,17 – 9,7) und Abraham (Gen 15 + 17) einander gegenüber:
God founds the two kingdoms by means of two covenants. The covenant with Noah (Genesis 9) formally establishes and regulates the common kingdom. The covenant with Abraham (Genesis 15, 17) formally establishes and regulates the redemptive kingdom. (76)
Several important features characterize this common kingdom established by the Noahic covenant: it concerns ordinary cultural activities (rather than special acts of worship or religious devotion), it embraces the human race in common (rather than a holy people that are distinguished from the rest of the human race), it ensures the preservation of the natural and social order (rather than the redemption of this order), and it is established temporarily (rather than permanently). (79)
The Abrahamic covenant bears the opposite features: it concerns religious faith and worship (rather than ordinary cultural activities), it embraces a holy people that is distinguished from the rest of the human race (rather than the human race in common), it bestows the benefits of salvation upon this holy people (rather than preserving the natural and social order), and it is established forever and ever (rather than temporarily). (83)
Ich habe mir das Buch im Urlaub (nochmals) vorgenommen und kann es sehr empfehlen. Hier hat Thomas K. Johnson eine Rezension geschrieben.