Voller Freude habe ich festgestellt, dass Trevin Wax und Matthew Lee Anderson das tolle Werk “Orthodoxy” (siehe “Anregender Lesestoff”) von G. K. Chesterton lesen und kommentieren. Beruhigt hat mich der Hinweis von Wax, dass er das Buch bereits dreimal gelesen habe. Mann muss sich erst mit seiner Art und den Gedanken vertraut machen.
I felt a little like I was stumbling through a dense jungle while finding diamonds and jewels all around me. The density of the thought pattern was mind-bending, yet there were so many gold nuggets to be found that I couldn’t turn back.
Also habe ich das Buch vom Gestell genommen und die Einleitung gelesen. Ich gehe mit Wax mit, der schreibt:
What I love about this foreword is that we are confronted with a man who is absolutely sure of his convictions and the truth of Christianity, and yet he is humble enough not to take himself so seriously. His carefree nature is matched by cheerful prose that somehow manages to treat the mysteries of the universe with all the seriousness and joy they deserve. My question is, how we can cultivate more of this? People who are grounded and grateful, confident and cheerful, hardened and humble.
Eine solche Haltung wünsche ich mir auch!