Publikation zur internationalen Rechtslage von Homeschooling

Anlässlich des Falls “Wunderlich” habe ich eine 2012 erschienene internationale Publikation zur rechtlichen Lage von Homeschooling rezensiert. Der auf englisch verfasste Text trägt eher den Charakter einer Zusammenfassung.

Ed. John Warwick Montgomery. Homeschooling in America and in Europe: A Litmus Test of Democracy. VKW: Bonn 2012. 84 pages.

It seems there has been nothing but bad news in recent times for German Homeschool Families: The Romeike family’s plea for asylum has been declined by US authorities. Four kids from the Wunderlich family in Darmstadt, Germany, have been forcibly removed from their parents in a shocking police raid. Even though Germany has signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) which proclaims that “parents have the foremost right to choose the kind of education that is to be given to their children” and the Convention against Discrimination in Education (1960) states that “it is essential to respect the liberty of parents and, where applicable, of legal guardians” to preferentially choose for their children institutions other than those established by the public education system, these fundamental human rights are now under attack. Why?

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