Weichen deine Überzeugungen in diskutierbaren Dingen von denen anderer Christen ab? J. D. Crowley hat 12 hilfreiche Hinweise aus Röm 14+15 zusammengestellt. Gefunden habe ich dies bei Andy Naselli.
- Welcome those who disagree with you (Rom 14:1–2).
- Those who have freedom must not look down on those who are strict (Rom 14:3–4).
- Those who are strict must not be judgmental towards those who have freedom (Rom 14:3–4).
- Each believer must be fully convinced of their position in their own conscience (Rom 14:5).
- Everything you do, or refrain from doing, must be for God’s glory (Rom 14:6–9).
- Do not judge each other in these matters because we will all someday stand before the judgment seat of God (Rom 14:10–12).
- Your freedom to eat meat is correct, but don’t let your freedom destroy the faith of a weak brother (Rom 14:13–15).
- Disagreements about eating and drinking are not important in the kingdom of God; building each other up in righteousness, peace, and joy is the important thing (Rom 14:16–21).
- If you have freedom, don’t flaunt it; if you are strict, don’t expect others to be strict like you (Rom 14:22a).
- A person who lives according to their conscience is blessed (Rom 14:22b–23).
- We must follow the example of Christ, who put others first (Rom 15:1–6).
- We bring glory to God when we welcome one another as Christ has welcomed us (Rom 15:7).