Michael Horton zitiert in seinem Kapitel zur Vorsehung (Providence: God’s Care for all He Has Made) Francis Turretin, Elenctic Theology (Vol. I:511-517):
These two things we derive most clearly from the Scriptures: that the Providence of God concurs with all second causes and especially with the human will; yet the contingency and liberty of the will remain unimpaired. But how these two things can consist with each other, no mortal can in this life perfectly understand.
… The orthodox hold the mean between these extremes maintaining that the providence of God is so occupied about sin as neither idly to permit it (as the Pelagignas think) nor efficiently to produce it (as the Libertines suppose), but efficacioulsy to order and direct it.
… God does not act in evil, but gives them up to is appropriate if what is meant is that God does not act in evil, but gives them up to Satan and their own lusts. (zit. Theodore Beza)
Horton ergänzt:
God does not act in and with evil but over and against it.
Nochmals Turretin:
God therefore properly does not will sin to be done, but only wills to permit it.
Und dann Augustinus:
God knew that it pertained mor to his most almighty goodness, even to bring good out of evil, thant not to permit evil to be.
Michael Horton. The Christian Faith. Eerdmans: Grand Rapids, 2001. (358-359)