Vier Grundannahmen einer biblischen Weltsicht

David K. Naugle, Verfasser des wichtigen Buches “Worldview: The History of a Concept”, beschreibt in dieser Vorlesung (2004) vier Grundannahmen, die eine biblische Weltsicht beinhalten muss:

  1. Der dreieine Gott als objektiver Ausgangspunkt: “Worldview in Christian perspective affirms the existence of the Trinitarian God whose essential character of love and justice establishes the moral order of the universe and whose word, wisdom, and law define and govern all aspects of created existence.”
  2. Das Herz des Menschen als subjektiver Anknüpfungspunkt: “Worldview in Christian perspective affirms that human beings as God’s image and likeness are anchored and integrated in the heart as the subjective sphere of consciousness which is decisive for shaping a vision of life and fulfilling the function typically ascribed to the notion of worldview.”
  3. Der durchschlagende Effekt der Sünde: “Worldview in Christian perspective, therefore, implies the catastrophic effects of sin on the human heart, resulting in the fabrication of false, idolatrous belief systems in place of God, and the engagement of the human race in cosmic spiritual warfare in which the truth about reality and the meaning of life are at stake. There is no way out from this spiritual, intellectual, and moral destitution apart from the grace of God.”
  4. Die Notwendigkeit der Erlösung: “Worldview in Christian perspective affirms the gracious inbreaking of the kingdom of God into human history in the person and work of Jesus Christ who atones for sin, defeats the principalities and powers, and enables those who believe in Him to obtain a knowledge of the true God as the creator, judge, and savior of the whole cosmos.”