Jerram Barrs. Echoes of Eden: Reflections on Christianity, Literature, and the Arts. Wheaton: Crossway, 2013. 208 Seiten. (14 Euro / 7,60 Euro Kindle-Version)
In Themelios wurde das neue Buch von Jerram Barrs über Kunst und Literatur rezensiert.
Chapter 5 is the book’s keystone. According to Barrs, there are five locations of God’s general revelation: creation, humans, God’s providential care, God’s rule over history, and the “echoes of Eden”—i.e., “the pool of memories within the human race of the truth about our condition” (p. 74). These echoes resound throughout history like a Jungian collective memory, whispering that there’s one great God, we’re lost from a better place, something tragic happened due to rebellion, we must hope for a redeemer, and this requires sacrifice and atonement.
Besonders der zweite Teil macht an zum Lesen:
Chapters 6–10 heed the call to listen for these echoes, specifically in the Chronicles of Narnia, the Lord of the Rings, the Harry Potter series, and the works of Shakespeare and Jane Austen.