Zitat der Woche: Die vaterlose Generation

This generation is fatherless. If you have worked among young people in the world, you will find them aching for a godly man to pour life into them. They come from homes that are broken. They come from homes where fathers were too busy and too distracted to invest themselves in their children. They come from homes where the fathers couldn’t have led them in family worship to save their lives. So they have an aching void in their lives for fathers to come alongside them and pour their lives into them. Would you be that for them? Do you see why it is important for you not just to criticize them? They expect that of fathers who have rejected them all of their lives. What they need is for you to come alongside them and love them by shepherding and nurturing them. They need gentle correction that shows them a more excellent way, praying that God will deal with them. Tell them what encourages you, then pour your life into them.

Ligon Duncan, The Resurgence of Calvinism in America, in Joel R. Beeke. Calvin for Today. RHB, 2009.