Der oberste US-Gerichtshof hat die Möglichkeit der gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehe für alle 50 Bundesstaaten verpflichtend verordnet.
Es hat alles geändert und nichts geändert
Albert Mohler ist – wie so oft – lesenswert. Dieses Argument beunruhigt:
If the Supreme Court will arrogate to itself the right to redefine marriage, there is no restraint on the judiciary whatsoever. … The threat to religious liberty represented by this decision is clear, present, and inevitable.
Was sich nicht verändert hat, ist unser Auftrag:
In one sense, everything has changed. And yet, nothing has changed. The cultural and legal landscape has changed, as we believe this will lead to very real harms to our neighbors. But our Christian responsibility has not changed. We are charged to uphold marriage as the union of a man and a woman and to speak the truth in love. We are also commanded to uphold the truth about marriage in our own lives, in our own marriages, in our own families, and in our own churches.
In unsere Ehen und Familien investieren
Owen Strachan schreibt, dass bei diesem Entscheid Erwachsene und nicht Kinder im Vordergrund stünden:
Adults have chosen to cater to themselves rather than to children. Marriage–the covenantal union of a man and a woman–blesses spouses. But it also serves to protect and care for children. Children need a father and a mother. With this ruling, we will now witness many children growing up in compromised homes. This development will cause real suffering in the lives of little boys and girls.
Was sollen christliche Eltern tun?
Greg Gibson schreibt in einem lesenswerten Aufsatz an die Eltern: Unterweist eure Kinder gründlich in den Grundlagen einer biblischen Sexualethik.
Talk honestly and openly about sin, homosexuality, and gay marriage with your children. We live in a post-Genesis 3 world. Because of this, sin is a reality, both in our lives and in the lives of our children. Part of the goal of parenting is teaching our children to love God and hate sin. Using your conscience as a parent, and discerning the appropriateness of their age, talk openly with your children about homosexuality and gay marriage.
Wenn der Mensch aus sich selbst heraus Urteile fällt
Douglas Groothuis wies auf ein Zitat Schaeffers hin. Wenn der Mensch aus sich selbst heraus moralische Urteile fällt, ist der Willkür keine Grenze gesetzt.
it is not only that man must start from himself in the area of knowledge and learning, but any value system must come arbitrarily from man himself by arbitrary choice. More frightening still, in our country, at our own moment of history, is the fact that any basis of law then becomes arbitrary — merely certain people making decisions as to what is for the good of society at the given moment.