Zur Biografie
Packer is an expert on Puritanism. It has been a life passion, dating from his second year in college. (984-85)
(H)is quarter century as an academician and Anglican spokesman in England is a story of intermittent instability. (1264)
(He) built his publishing career out of entering the doors that God has opened, accepting opportunities to publish articles on the criterion of usefulness to the church. (1379)
Packer’s orientation from the time of his book “Fundamentalism” and the Word of God had been in the direction of responding to topics of current importance in the surrounding culture. (2075-76)
Packer believes in “first things”—things of first importance. It is obvious that the inerrancy of the Bible is in this category for him. (2278-79)
He was, in significant ways, a prophet without honor in his own country. (2381)
“Now that I look back on what we did in producing [the ESV], I find myself suspecting very strongly that this was the most important thing that I have ever done for the Kingdom.” (2617-18)
“What that has meant is that I have read the text of every article that has been submitted. There are 1.1 million words in the Study Bible. I don’t know who else has read them all, but I know that I have.” (2621-22)
Packer is a champion of the ordinary person. His writing and theologizing have had the layperson in view. (3014)
Packer uses numerical schemes so constantly that it is a rarity to read a book or essay of his that does not employ this method of organization. (3415)
Packer does not write full-fledged jeremiads, but his writings are filled with warnings that the contemporary church, modern society, or the human race universally from time immemorial is on the wrong track in many ways. … Despite Packer’s pessimistic assessment of the current state of the church and society, he has always shown a tremendous energy of spirit in thinking that Christians can reform their ways. (3622+3649)
He is paradoxically both a pessimist and optimist: things are bad, but solutions are always at hand. (3781)
Packer’s interaction with the Puritans has been a personal and spiritual involvement, as well as an intellectual passion. (4314-16)
Packer is so ministry oriented that it is even difficult to determine what counts as a publication. (4527)
We might say that Packer’s mental predisposition—his default mode—is theology. (5355)
(T)he audience of Packer’s theological writings is the institutional church and its congregants, with special attention to church leaders who are in a position to steer their churches locally and nationally in the direction of theological knowledge and orthodoxy. (5391)
(Erwartung einer Systematischen Theologie) It was widely assumed (or at least hoped) that Dr Packer was in the process of writing a great theological synthesis which would be the definitive work of evangelical theology for the next generation. (5722)
(For Packer) the Puritans were ideal Anglicans. … For Lloyd-Jones, the Puritans were essentially separatists and nonconformists. (6216+24)