Ein Vorbild für meine Vater- (und dereinst Großvater-?)Rolle!
One of the most inspiring models I’ve encountered was my own grand-father, Oswald Overn. With five rambunctious children close in age, he was determined to prepare them all to defend their faith by the time they left home. And so he turned the evening dinner table into a classroom—a place for serious teaching and discussion. “My father would bring books and articles to the dinner table, to read and discuss with us,” recalls my uncle Bill Overn. “He taught us Latin, physics, math. He also had us memorize the creeds, the Lutheran catechism, and passages from the Bible.” In fact, that’s how all five children learned how to read: “We would read a passage by going around the table, and everyone from the oldest to the youngest had their verses to read.”
Nancy Pearcey. Total Truth. Crossway: Wheaton, 2004. (224)