Für welche Menschen bin ich dankbar? Was haben sie mir mitgegeben? Und umgekehrt gefragt: Was sollen Menschen am Ende meines Lebens über mich sagen können?
Es ist ergreifend zu lesen, wie der kürzlich von uns gegangene R. C. Sproul Menschen geprägt hat (ich habe darüber geschrieben). Einige der 50 Statements:
“. . . God used R.C. Sproul to impact my pursuit of God and his holiness. R.C. Sproul gave me, through his intellect and incredible humor, a hunger for the word of God.”
“. . . he was faithful to the end.”
“. . . he demystified theology for me. He made me realize that theology is not an academic discipline to be pursued only by pastors and other professionals but something to be embraced by all Christians in their quest to know who God is and his purposes for his creation.”
“. . . he helped me to understand the gravity and weight of my sin, my cosmic treason, against a Holy God while still being loved and accepted because of Christ alone.”
“. . . he cared deeply about theology as both an intellectual and practical pursuit. An amazing man!”
Übrigens sind von Sproul mehrere Kinderbücher in die deutsche Sprache übersetzt worden: