Zitat der Woche: Wenige Dinge sind so theologisch wie der Schlaf

Ich lese das ausgezeichnete Buch RESET – Living a Grace-Paced Life in a Burnout Culture.  

  1. Leben als abhängiges Geschöpf: Many of our problems happen not only because we do the wrong things, but also because we believe the wrong things.Lots of people call God Creator but live like evolutionists. It’s as if life is about the survival of the fittest rather than about living like a dependent creature. (38-39)
  2. Schlaf und Theologie (54): Wenige Dinge sind so theologisch wie der Schlaf.
  3. Schlaf und Angst (58): Every anxious person I’ve met has either been in denial about how little sleep they get, or they’re overlooking the fact that they’re going to bed at random hours every night. (Charlie Hoehn)
  4. Die Wichtigkeit des Schlafs (61): Sometimes the godliest thing you can do in the universe is get a good night’s sleep. (D. A. Carson)
  5. Schlaf und Widerstandsfähigkeit (61): I am emotionally less resilient when I lose sleep. (John Piper)
  6. Vorbereitung auf den Schlaf (63): Preparing for sleep can be as important as what time you go to sleep. (Matthew Edlund)
  7. Schlaf und Genügsamkeit (64): Perhaps materialism and ambition are the biggest causes of sleep deprivation in our culture.Contentment is a wonderful cure for insomnia.