Ich wurde gefragt, wie wir Kontakte zu Menschen mit gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen aufnehmen und ihnen das Evangelium bezeugen können. Hier sind einige wundervolle Ressourcen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven.
John Piper. Disability and the Sovereign Goodness of God. Does God have a good design in my disability? To this hard question God is not silent. But if we're to hear his answer, we must submit our hearts to his word. Looking at what the Bible says is the aim of this collection of resources from pastor John Piper.
Scott Sauls. Befriend Those with Disabilities and Special Needs. According to The American Journal of Medical Genetics, 99 percent of those living with Down syndrome say they’re happy; 97 percent say they like who they are; and 99 percent agree with the statement, “I love my family.” According to one writer, these statistics identify those living with Down syndrome as “the happiest people in the world.”
Heather Peacock. 8 Ways to Welcome People with Disabilities into Your Church. Talk to people with disabilities. I really can’t emphasize this enough. Our family is very gracious to people as they are figuring this out.
Megan Royes. My Special-Needs Calling. My primary calling is being a mother to a healthy 1-year-old son and a 4-year-old daughter with a severe feeding disability. It is a joyful, hopeful, sorrowful, tear-filled calling. Our days begin with bottle feedings and diaper changes, and end with bathtime, booktime, and bedtime kisses. And the hours in between? I make meals. I wipe messes. I stop fights. I fill bellies. I teach letters. I make blanket tents. I pick up puzzle pieces, and buckle carseats, and do all the things every mom does every day to take care of her kids. Mothers don’t just feed bodies and change clothes—they fill souls and change habits. Mothers train, nurture, pray, please, discipline, admonish, comfort, and care.
Abigail Dodds. The Greatest Need in Special Needs. When special needs kids are young, it’s easy to sentimentalize their disability as something that’s oh-so-precious and dear. It’s easy to think that God gave them their disability in order to help the church be more caring, or to somehow show us a simpler and purer person than those of us with the mental ability to really be sinful. But those are half-truths. We can’t forget that special needs kids need God.