Mit Vergnügen lese ich Predigten, die Mark Dever über jedes Buch des Neuen Testaments gehalten hat. Man kann sich diese übrigens auf der Website der Capitol Hill Baptist Church anhören. In seiner Predigt zum Galaterbrief schreibt er (Mark Dever, Promises Kept: The Message of the New Testament, Crossway: Wheaton, 2005, S. 216):
Beware of thinking the truth will always consist of ideas that are immediately appealing to you. Why on earth do you think the truth is something you will like? Who taught you that liking something is good evidence for its factuality? Has every fantasy you have ever had come true? Has everything that has happened to you been exactly what you wanted? What about the “D” you got in that class? Or the hurtful thing your father said to you? I could go on and on: Your most recent evaluation at work. The number on the scales when you look down. Your friend’s stinging comment on the phone. Your bank balance or the doctor’s advice. None of these things are generated by whether we like them or not. They are simple realities that are diminished in no way because we dislike them. Only our foolish imaginations would make us think that because we do not like something, it must not be true.
Dasselbe hat Dever für das Alte Testmament erarbeitet (The Message of the Old Testament). Zu diesem Band habe ich eine Besprechung geschrieben.