Input: Der Wert des Nochmal-Lesens

Aus den Briefen von C. S. Lewis habe ich die Einsicht, wie wichtig das erneute Lesen von Texten ist. Er schrieb an Arthur Greens am 10. Januar 1932:

I know well from experience that state of mind in which one wants immediate and certain pleasure from a book, for nothing—i.e. without paying the price of that slight persistence, that almost imperceptible tendency not to go on, which, to be honest, nearly always accompanies the reading of [a] good book.

Etwas "Biss" ist auch beim Essen nötig.

A little sense of labour is necessary to all perfect pleasures I think: just as (to my palate at least) there is no really delicious taste without a touch of astringency—the ‘bite’ in alcoholic drinks, the resistance to the teeth in nuts or meat, the tartness of fruit, the bitterness of mint sauce. The apple must not be too sweet, the cheese must not be too mild.

Sein Jugendfreund Arthur Reeves kehrte offenbar zu den Sherlock Holmes-Büchern der Jugend zurück:

Of course what makes detective stories appeal to you is that they were one of your first loves in the days when you used to come round and borrow Sherlock Holmes from my father, and therefore in reading them now you have the sense of return, you step back as into an old easy shoe—and that certainly is one of the essentials for this kind of reading. One would never read a new type of book for pure relaxation: and perhaps re-reading of an old friend—a Scott with much skipping—is the best of all. I don’t think you re-read enough—I know I do it too much.

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